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Concepts of interaction of the state within non-governmental organizations in the Republic of Kazakhstan


This article is aimed at the important concepts of the development of a democratic state is the development of civil society. During the period of Kazakhstan's independence, the non-governmental sector went through several stages of fundamental development, which showed a dynamic growth in the number of non-governmental organizations (NGOs). At the same time, in the context of globalization and for the development of a constructive public dialogue, the mechanism of interaction between the state and NGOs should be improved. The purpose of this article is to identify the best concepts of interaction between the state and NGOs based on the analysis of international experience to enhance the role of interaction between government agencies and NGOs. The methodology of the research is the study of foreign scientific articles from different states with the greatest experience in building relationships with the civil sector and the analysis of the current state of the mechanisms of interaction between the state and NGOs in the Republic of Kazakhstan, as well as statistical data of the authorized body for the development of the civil sector. In this study, the authors focus on the issue of cooperation between the state and NGOs, where there is a low participation of the non-governmental sector in solving socio-economic problems of the country and the imperfection of state mechanisms in the interaction of dialogue with society.

About the Authors

B. N. Bokayev
Academy of Public Administration under the president of the Republic of Kazakhstan

B.N. Bokayev - PhD, professor


G. M. Utepova
Syracuse University
United States

G.M. Utepova - PhD student

New York


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For citations:

Bokayev B.N., Utepova G.M. Concepts of interaction of the state within non-governmental organizations in the Republic of Kazakhstan. Bulletin of "Turan" University. 2023;(4):346-359. (In Russ.)

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