Employment as an object of socio-economic research and management
Education and the labor market are closely linked. Today there is demand in Kazakhstan, but there is no decent supply, especially for working professions.The unemployment rate in the country in 2021 was 4.9 percent. This means that more than 450 thousand Kazakhstanis are unemployed. However, according to economic experts, there are much more real figures. The purpose of the research work is to develop theoretical provisions and scientifically based recommendations for the development of the work of public institutions and their integration into the global economy in the conditions of modern technological transformation. The new results obtained will allow us to study the international labor market and assess the impact of modern technological changes on its development, to propose new comprehensive approaches to overcoming the imbalance in the labor market and the development of public policy that promotes its development in new directions in the field of labor relations. When writing the research work, theoretical methods were used: comparison, analysis and economic forecasts. Information-analytical and statistical data are also presented. The place of public institutions and their work in the field of employment was analyzed, methodological data with the indication of domestic and foreign experience in the development of proposals were used.
About the Authors
K. K. PrimzharovaKazakhstan
K.K. Primzharova - c.e.s., associate professor
A. Uaisova
A. Uaisova - PhD, senior lecturer
N. A. Kalganbayev
N.A. Kalganbayev - c.e.s., professor
Ye. Bessekey
Ye. Bessekey - PhD, senior lecturer
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For citations:
Primzharova K.K., Uaisova A., Kalganbayev N.A., Bessekey Ye. Employment as an object of socio-economic research and management. Bulletin of "Turan" University. 2023;(4):219-232. (In Kazakh) https://doi.org/10.46914/1562-2959-2023-1-4-219-232