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Social protection of the population in rural areas


The goal of the research is to characterize the impact of social protection measures on rural households. A broad description of the current literature on social protection measures rationalizes the choice of methods for this article. Methods of dialectical, analysis and synthesis, comparison, analogy, abstract-logical, monographic, economic-statistical methods were used. The current trends in the implementation of social protection of the population in rural areas are revealed. The core of the analysis is that social protection of the population is a necessary component of the economy, so reforms in this area should be effective both in the short and long term. It is noted that Kazakhstan is constantly improving the legislative framework in the field of social policy. The factors affecting the transformation of social protection are outlined. Measures of social protection of rural population are evaluated. Direct and indirect relationship between the social sphere and socio-economic development of society is characterized. It is revealed that various practices of digitalization of social sphere have become actively implemented in rural areas. These are online counseling, video counseling, web-based programs, virtual reality for the rehabilitation of persons with disabilities. There is an active transition from the declarative nature of social services to the digital space. The authors conclude that social protection brings social benefits, contributing to the sustainable development of rural areas.

About the Authors

S. A. Mashanova
West Kazakhstan Innovative and Technological University

S.A. Mashanova - c.e.s., associate professor


G. K. Kurmanova
West Kazakhstan Innovative and Technological University

G.K. Kurmanova - c.e.s., associate professor


B. A. Urazova
West Kazakhstan Innovative and Technological University

B.A. Urazova - m.e.s., senior lecturer



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For citations:

Mashanova S.A., Kurmanova G.K., Urazova B.A. Social protection of the population in rural areas. Bulletin of "Turan" University. 2023;(4):233-246.

Views: 298

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