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Opportunities for Kazakhstan exports in the Southeast Asian region in the context of current geopolitical upheavals


This article discusses the main current processes of trade and economic cooperation between Kazakhstan and the region of Southeast Asia, in the current geopolitical conditions of the formation of the latest model of trade and economic interaction in the world. According to the available world trade forecasts, in the medium term, the large volumes of all world trade will move specifically to the region of Southeast Asia. This is due to several factors, including changing geopolitical conditions, changing delivery routes and increased interest from international investors. Kazakhstan, given the lack of access to the World Ocean, have to make significant efforts to build accessible logistics in the direction of the European Union – Southeast Asia, which will increase transit flows through Kazakhstan territory. In addition, it is necessary to carry out more active work to promote domestic enterprises to the market of Southeast Asian countries. Particular emphasis in the course of this research work was placed on the opportunities and potential for increasing Kazakhstani exports to Southeast Asian countries, using the Comparative Advantage Index. As a result,the main categories of goods that have a certain competitiveness in the market of the Southeast Asian countries are determined, considering imports to the region from third countries. In general, Kazakhstan can increase its trade with Southeast Asia through improving transportation infrastructure, improving the legislative framework, and increasing its presence at events in the region.This work will be of interest both to representatives of the diplomatic corps of Kazakhstan and representatives of the business community interested in selling their products to the markets of the countries of Southeast Asia.

About the Authors

M. A. Zhanabergenova
Academy of Public Administration

M.A. Zhanabergenova - PhD, associate professor


O. A. Shegirbayev
JSC QazTrade

O.A. Shegirbayev - Master of international relations


T. A. Azatbek
L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University

T.A. Azatbek - d.e.s., professor


S. Velesco
University of Applied Science

S. Velesco - c.e.s., professor



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For citations:

Zhanabergenova M.A., Shegirbayev O.A., Azatbek T.A., Velesco S. Opportunities for Kazakhstan exports in the Southeast Asian region in the context of current geopolitical upheavals. Bulletin of "Turan" University. 2023;(4):280-292. (In Russ.)

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ISSN 1562-2959 (Print)
ISSN 2959-1236 (Online)