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Features of the civic identity formation in the education system


In modern society, there are active processes of globalization and intercultural interaction. In this case, the issue of identity at personal, social, ethnic, religious and other levels is important. Among them, at the present stage, the issue of the formation and strengthening of civic identity is one of the issues on the agenda of states. Elements of the civil identity structure undergo changes at every stage and have their own characteristics in each state. However, at each stage, components such as a sense of citizenship, a positive or negative attitude towards state membership, and the desire to ensure the common good are common to all. It should be taken into account that the formation and strengthening of civic identity is also influenced by factors such as language, social environment, culture, education system, media, family, legal framework (laws, rules, etc.), the situation in the state, moral norms, etc. The degree of their influence depends on the specifics of society. The education system as one of the factors of the formation of civic identity currently requires study. After all, given that modern challenges are aimed at destabilizing the political, economic, cultural and other spheres of life of states, one of the most vulnerable groups is the youth. The article examines the influence of the education system on the formation of civic identity at the present stage. The peculiarities of the formation of civic identity among young people studying in higher educational institutions are also revealed. Considering that the process of socialization of a person at a young age takes place quickly and efficiently, one should not forget about the need to begin the formation of a civic identity from an early age of a person. This begins primarily with the upbringing and assimilation of principles in educational institutions after the family. In this regard, the main purpose of the article is to determine the role and importance of education in educational institutions in the process of forming the civic identity of young people.

About the Authors

E. B. Assyltayeva
«Turan» university

E.B. ASSYLTAYEVA - PhD, associate professor 


G. T. Uranhayeva
Semey Medical University

G.T. URANHAEVA - d.polit.s., professor


A. A. Altynbek
«Turan» university

А.А. ALTYNBEK - PhD candidate, senior lecturer


T. S. Karabchuk
United Arab Emirates University
United Arab Emirates

T.S. Karabchuk -  PhD

Al Ain


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For citations:

Assyltayeva E.B., Uranhayeva G.T., Altynbek A.A., Karabchuk T.S. Features of the civic identity formation in the education system. Bulletin of "Turan" University. 2023;(4):441-453. (In Kazakh)

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ISSN 1562-2959 (Print)
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