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The research of the influence of hotel service quality on the customer satisfaction level in the post-COVID period


Restoring the country’s hotel sector after COVID-19 requires comprehensive efforts, including service quality that impacts customer satisfaction and loyalty. Undoubtedly, measures were taken timely to maintain and restore the quality level. Nevertheless, this is a challenge for the sector with its consequences. Additionally, the current situation and the complexity of the new global economic relations have increased that impact. The combination of these consequences has the most significant burden on the personnel and managers of the hospitality industry. After quarantine restrictions, consumers crave vivid emotions, traveling, high-quality services, and good-natured and competent attitudes toward them. The level of satisfaction largely depends on service quality provided from registration to departure. The post-COVID period is poorly studied, the recovery process is proceeding quite quickly, requires new approaches and effective solutions, especially in light of the satisfaction of the contemporary guests’ needs and the latter are changing. The problem of the study is to determine the level of consumers’ satisfaction with hotel services after the lifting of restrictions, and, as it is known a satisfied guest leaves more money in the tourism industry, which gives a positive impetus to the tourism development in the country, region, and district. The discussion included the following research methods: a literature review and a survey of consumers who traveled and lived in hotel enterprises among 181 respondents. Using the analysis results, practical recommendations were formulated for hotel managers and staff, which would ensure sustainability and valuable solutions for implementation. The scientific study offers an empirical contribution based on the consumers’ opinions regarding hospitality enterprises.

About the Authors

Zh. S. Rakhimbekova
Almaty Management University

C.e.s., associate professor.


D. I. Razakova
Turan University

C.e.s, PhD, associate professor.


T. B. Klimova
Belgorod State National Research University
Russian Federation

C.e.s., associate professor.



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For citations:

Rakhimbekova Zh.S., Razakova D.I., Klimova T.B. The research of the influence of hotel service quality on the customer satisfaction level in the post-COVID period. Bulletin of "Turan" University. 2024;(1):213-226. (In Russ.)

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