Assessment in the efficiency of investments in human capital in the conditions of digital transformation of the economy
The article considers the concept of “investment in human capital”, presents a theoretical and instrumental interpretation of the main components of human capital. The current assessment methods and indicators that characterize the effectiveness of investments in human capital are summarized. Also, a comprehensive and critical analysis of the current methodological aspects for assessing the effectiveness of investments in human capital was made. Education is considered as a property in the form of professional features and self-growing value on the basis of increasing labour productivity of an employee, which is correspondingly distinguished by the growth of wages. Creation of the methodology for assessing the economic efficiency of investments in education at the macroeconomic level is based on the comparison of public investments in education and average wages in the country. The average wage is considered as a productive indicator of the effectiveness of investments in education. The money that is spent on the education of the younger generation, in the foreseeable future will establish the degree of education of the population of the state and, in turn, its competitive advantage in the global community. The proposed model for assessing the effectiveness of investment in education is simple and convenient, it is able to link the efficiency of the firm's activities and the cost of human capital. The article shows the results of the assessment of investment efficiency of the implementation of the State Programme of Education and Science Development of RK for 2020–2025. The analysis of statistical data for Kazakhstan also shows the existence of a close relationship between the remuneration of employees and the volume of investment in education. The article has both theoretical and practical relevance, as it is related to the State Programme “Digital Kazakhstan” with the direction “Human Capital Development” and the topic is in relevant.
About the Authors
Zh. A. AskarovaKazakhstan
C.e.s., senior lecturer.
O. Yu. Kogut
PhD, associate professor.
G. A. Askarova
C.p.s., associate professor.
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For citations:
Askarova Zh.A., Kogut O.Yu., Askarova G.A. Assessment in the efficiency of investments in human capital in the conditions of digital transformation of the economy. Bulletin of "Turan" University. 2024;(1):23-39. (In Kazakh)