The analysis of modern macroeconomic environment in Kazakhstan: the influence of macroeconomic environment on economic behavior
The macroeconomic policy of the state is the main lever supporting the growth of the country’s economy, creating favorable conditions for introducing various industry enterprises based on economic integration associations and cooperation of the participating countries.The article offers an analysis of the modern macroeconomic environment and its impact on the economic behavior of Kazakhstan’s population, which emphasizes the important guidelines of the economy.The article examines the investment climate, conducts a comprehensive analysis of the macroeconomic environment’s factors that affect the economic consciousness of the population, and examines corruption indices that measure the level of corruption perception in the country’s public sector. Various economic factors and their impact on the economic environment are disclosed and processed for analysis. For analyzing the current macroeconomic situation in Kazakhstan, it is necessary to have a reliable source on the dynamics of macroeconomic indicators of the country’s economic development, as well as to identify current development trends. In the course of the work, a PEST analysis of macroeconomic environment’s factors affecting the Kazakhstani population’s economic consciousness was carried out, which allowed us to draw a positive conclusion that the macroeconomic environment is the state of the country's economy, a complex of internal and external factors, conditions, indicators affecting the economic behavior of subjects. During the PEST analysis of the factors of the macroeconomic environment, political, technological and socio-cultural factors affecting the economic consciousness of the population are shown. Not only the state, enterprises or individuals control the microeconomic environment, there are factors that have an indirect impact on the current state and development of the country or enterprise.
About the Authors
A. M. MyrzakhmetovaKazakhstan
C.e.s., associate professor.
A. Zh. Panzabekova
C.e.s., chief researcher.
M. M. Khalitova
D.e.s., associate professor.
A. S. Smagulova
PhD student.
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For citations:
Myrzakhmetova A.M., Panzabekova A.Zh., Khalitova M.M., Smagulova A.S. The analysis of modern macroeconomic environment in Kazakhstan: the influence of macroeconomic environment on economic behavior. Bulletin of "Turan" University. 2024;(1):69-83. (In Russ.)