The efficiency assessment of budgetary fund implementation in agro-industrial complex
In recent years, the agro-industrial complex has emerged as a crucial sector in the Republic of Kazakhstan, playing a pivotal role in ensuring the nation's food security. State support for agriculture constitutes a multifaceted mechanism encompassing measures that influence the income of agricultural industries, the structure and scale of agricultural production, the agri-food market, and the social fabric of rural areas. Financial resources are allocated from budgets at various administrative levels to support the agricultural sector of Kazakhstan. The primary objective is to assess the efficient utilization of budget funds allocated to the agricultural sector of Kazakhstan. A combination of economic-statistical, estimated-comparative, logical, and analytical analysis methods was employed to achieve this goal. The results reveal that a targeted agricultural policy, coupled with effective state regulation mechanisms, enables the attainment of high levels of productivity and efficiency in this industry. Nevertheless, despite these successes, the current role of the agro-industrial complex in shaping the economy is deemed insufficient. This is evidenced by indicators assessing the sector's contribution to macroeconomic benchmarks. In conclusion, an evaluation of the current state of development in the Republic of Kazakhstan's agricultural industry reflects a positive growth trend in recent years. However, the agricultural sector continues to be among the less profitable segments of the domestic economy, grappling with persistent challenges that have yet to be fully overcome.
About the Authors
M. A. SerikovaKazakhstan
PhD, associate professor.
M. A. Zholayeva
PhD, associate professor.
Ye. S. Patashkova
M.e.s., senior lecturer.
A. K. Zhakhmetova
M.e.s., senior lecturer.
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For citations:
Serikova M.A., Zholayeva M.A., Patashkova Ye.S., Zhakhmetova A.K. The efficiency assessment of budgetary fund implementation in agro-industrial complex. Bulletin of "Turan" University. 2024;(1):129-141.