Prerequisites and problems of digitalization of the agro-industrial complex of Kazakhstan
The article discusses the issues of the introduction of innovative technologies and digitalization in the Kazakhstan’s agro-industrial complex. The prerequisites for digitalization of agro-industrial complex branches (territorial, legal, institutional, structural, informational, resource) are briefly described. Based on analysis of various state programs, the main problems in the agriculture and possible effect of digitalization’s introduction are identified. The results of introduction of innovative technologies and digitalization of republic’s agro-industrial complex (differentiated seed application, electronic field maps, agrometeoservice for 5 regions of the country with a forecast of up to 3 days, more than 10 meteorological parameters, digitalization of 26 million hectares of acreage, 56.5 million hectares of pasture areas, the presence of 30 digital farms) are briefly presented. Based on analysis, the problems of digitalization development in the agro-industrial complex are combined into separate areas (financial instability of economic entities; lack of financial resources for industry’s digitalization; lack of market and digital ecosystems in the industry; low digital literacy of users, lack of qualified personnel in development and implementation of digital projects, etc.). In conclusion, recommendations are given for further improving the scientific and innovative potential of agricultural producers of the country, including measures of state and institutional support for innovation processes.
About the Authors
A. S. ShinurovKazakhstan
C.e.s., senior lecturer.
Zh. B. Smaguloba
M.e.s., senior lecturer.
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For citations:
Shinurov A.S., Smaguloba Zh.B. Prerequisites and problems of digitalization of the agro-industrial complex of Kazakhstan. Bulletin of "Turan" University. 2024;(1):156-169. (In Russ.)