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Evaluation of a bakery control system to enhance quality and food safety


Food safety is one of the most widely discussed issues in the world today. The baking industry with large production in our country is one of the leading areas of the food industry. Since bread products are a daily food product, in order to provide people with bread products that are safe for human life, they should be of high quality, safe, natural and affordable. Improving the quality of bakery products is a serious and urgent problem today. In order to increase the quality and safety of bakery products, the problem of evaluating the control system of bakery products based on the compliance of food products with international standards and HACCP system demands to be studied today. The analysis of the market of bakery products in Kazakhstan for the period of 2018–2022 was carried out, and current issues were identified. By conducting a survey of the respondents of Astana and Almaty, the capital cities of our country, it was determined that the main criteria and reasons for choosing bakery products ensure the trust and satisfaction of consumers. In the article, the problems of increasing and improving the safety of bread products are determined based on the monitoring and assessment of the safety issues of the country's bread products. It is recommended to improve the quality and safety of food products in domestic enterprises and implement the HACCP system in the management of preparation, storage, transportation and sales.

About the Authors

Zh. S. Mukhametzhanova
Narxoz University

PhD, assistant professor.


A. N. Daurenbekova
Turan University

D.e.s., professor.


D. О. Onaltayev
Al-Farabi Kazakh National University

C.e.s., professor.


A. S. Asilova
Al-Farabi Kazakh National University

C.e.s., professor.



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For citations:

Mukhametzhanova Zh.S., Daurenbekova A.N., Onaltayev D.О., Asilova A.S. Evaluation of a bakery control system to enhance quality and food safety. Bulletin of "Turan" University. 2024;(1):201-212. (In Kazakh)

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