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Features of electronic money and financial technology development


The development of financial technologies at the present stage leads to the spread and active use of electronic money in national payment systems, which provide a convenient and secure way to carry out fast financial transactions without the need to use cash. Due to this main advantage, the use of electronic money has become widespread in a short period. Digital payment instruments provide users with the flexibility and access to make transactions anytime and anywhere, but at the same time, the development of electronic money circulation is also associated with some problems and the need to improve their regulation. The era of new payment technologies has presented us with new challenges related to various transactions between entities. The development of trade, including via the Internet, has led to the search for new, fast and effective means of payment, in particular when it comes to paying for goods and services. Nowadays, more and more people are abandoning the use of cash in favor of electronic money, which leads to the popularity of the concept of electronic money. The purpose of the article is to determine the impact and features of new technologies, such as blockchain, digital wallet and cryptocurrency, on the functioning of electronic money in the national payment system. The subject of the study is electronic money and payment technologies used in the national payment system, forming a system of electronic economic relations.

About the Authors

K. A. Madykhanova
Almaty Management University

c.e.s., assistant professor


Zh. D. Serikbaeva
Almaty Management University

c.e.s., assistant professor


A. Z. Chivazova
Almaty Management University

c.e.s., assistant professor



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For citations:

Madykhanova K.A., Serikbaeva Zh.D., Chivazova A.Z. Features of electronic money and financial technology development. Bulletin of "Turan" University. 2024;(2):9-24. (In Kazakh)

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