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The analysis of the principle of the labor market segmentation of Kazakhstan by types of economic activity and exposure to unemployment cyclicity


The labor market, as an area where demand and supply for labor is formed, and where conditions are created for their effective interaction, has attracted the attention of researchers for many centuries. Economists of various schools have long studied the factors influencing the number of working-age population, employed and unemployed. The study of all aspects of the labor market and analysis of the features of their interaction are key to ensuring effective employment and achieving the socio-economic goals that the state sets for itself at this stage of social development. Between 2001 and 2021, changes occurred in the country's economy. One of the most noticeable trends is the increase in the share of those employed in the service sector, which is largely due to the development of information and communication technologies and e-commerce, as well as other spheres. This dynamic is clearly evident in the labor market. In addition, other significant changes are taking place in the labor market. According to the above classification by type of economic activity, it can be concluded that the employed population is mainly concentrated in the service sector. Most of the employed are concentrated in education, transport and warehousing, as well as health care and social services. Next are education, transport and warehousing, wholesale and retail trade, repair of motor vehicles and motorbikes. The employment sector also underwent significant changes and fluctuations during crisis periods, such as pandemic and financial crisis, as shown by the analyses carried out with the help of A. Okun’s law.

About the Authors

E. M. Yeralina
Turan University

PhD, postdoctoral student


R. A. Alshanov
Turan University

d.e.s, professor


K. Y. Izguttieva
Turan University

PhD student


I. V. Onyusheva
Stamford International University

research professor



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For citations:

Yeralina E.M., Alshanov R.A., Izguttieva K.Y., Onyusheva I.V. The analysis of the principle of the labor market segmentation of Kazakhstan by types of economic activity and exposure to unemployment cyclicity. Bulletin of "Turan" University. 2024;(2):65-78. (In Russ.)

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