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Attracting young people to the civil service: analysis of the problems and necessary measures


The article is devoted to solving the problem of reducing the number of young specialists in the civil service system of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Currently, the task of attracting talented and young specialists to the civil service is one of the priority and strategic in the framework of the ongoing professionalization of the state apparatus. This is due, firstly, to the growing shortage of qualified specialists in many areas of public service activities, and secondly, to the increased competition in the labor market for young and talented staff. In these conditions, public bodies have to compete with organizations of private and quasi-public sectors, which often offer more attractive financial conditions when hiring employees. In this regard, in order to overcome the possible negative consequences of these trends, as well as to effectively attract and retain talented personnel in the civil service, it is necessary to work comprehensively, providing not only for the introduction of advanced approaches to entering the civil service, but also for the creation of attractive conditions for being in it. The purpose of this study is to analyze the domestic practice of stimulating the attraction of young people to the civil service, as well as to develop recommendations aimed at increasing the attractiveness of civil service for talented young people. This study reviews domestic and foreign literature on the subject, analyzes the current model of attracting young people to the civil service, identifies the problems of staffing the civil service and career preferences of young people, as well as recommendations to improve the attractiveness of public service and prevent the outflow of talented young personnel.

About the Authors

B. N. Bokaev
Syracuse University
United States

PhD, researcher


E. K. Zharov
Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan



A. K. Aitkozhina
Center for Research, Analysis and Efficiency Assessment of Supreme Audit Chamber of the Republic of Kazakhstan

m.e.s., research assistant


G. N. Baktiyarova
Center for Research, Analysis and Efficiency Assessment of Supreme Audit Chamber of the Republic of Kazakhstan

m.r.d., research assistant



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For citations:

Bokaev B.N., Zharov E.K., Aitkozhina A.K., Baktiyarova G.N. Attracting young people to the civil service: analysis of the problems and necessary measures. Bulletin of "Turan" University. 2024;(2):110-123. (In Russ.)

Views: 440

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ISSN 1562-2959 (Print)
ISSN 2959-1236 (Online)