The approach to forming a model of state regulation for sustainable agricultural development at the regional level (on the example of Karaganda region)
Today, certain transformation processes are taking place in almost all spheres of public life in Kazakhstan. The dynamically growing need to ensure the sustainable development of the country persistently requires the country to take a fundamentally new approach to the issue of state regulation of sustainable development of agriculture. The functions of rural areas are diverse and extremely important, both in economic and social aspects. As a rule, a special place in them belongs to ensuring the country’s food security, reproduction of labor resources, preservation of folk traditions, unique national culture, and development of natural resources. There is no doubt that rural areas are a special place, as an entertainment, tourist, leisure, medical and recreational, resort, park, sports, possessing and providing a number of social services to the population. Rural areas are the basis for the location of production and maintenance of utilities (roads, power lines, oil and gas pipelines). In this regard, the development of agriculture is of particular importance and requires immediate improvement. This analysis is devoted to studying the needs and mechanisms for improving government regulation and support for the agricultural sector. In accordance with this study, the current situation and trends in agriculture at the regional level for the development of a system of state regulation of sustainable development of the agricultural sector, a conceptual model has been put forward, through a set of interrelated effects (socio-economic, environmental, technical, technological, organizational, biological, dynamic), which has a certain clear structure depending on the assigned tasks and goals of the functioning of agriculture, will allow the implementation of a set of measures to achieve a rational level of government influence on the agricultural sector of the economy for the purpose of effective development.
About the Authors
K. T. AlеnovaKazakhstan
d.e.s, professor
Zh. A. Usenova
m.e.s., senior lecturer
K. A. Karsybayeva
m.e.s., senior lecturer
A. V. Khapova
m.e.s., senior lecturer
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For citations:
Alеnova K.T., Usenova Zh.A., Karsybayeva K.A., Khapova A.V. The approach to forming a model of state regulation for sustainable agricultural development at the regional level (on the example of Karaganda region). Bulletin of "Turan" University. 2024;(2):174-188. (In Russ.)