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The analysis of sources on the methodology of demographic transition and impact on the sustainable socio-economic development of the country


The relevance of the study of the methodology of demographic transition lies in its significance for understanding and analyzing population dynamics, the challenges of an aging society, changes in fertility, mortality and migration, as well as assessing the impact on the sustainable socio-economic development of the country. This study has important practical significance for the development of policies for national population management, social protection and health care, as well as for forecasting trends in the development of society and its sustainability in the long term. The purpose of the study is to analyze various sources devoted to the methodology of demographic transition, including from the standpoint of influence on the sustainable development of the state. The authors seek to identify the main approaches used in research on this topic, evaluate their effectiveness and identify the most significant results obtained in this area. The research methodology includes a systematic review of the literature and analysis of various sources devoted to the methodology of demographic transition, on the basis of which five main approaches are formed, their drivers and mechanisms are identified, and recommendations for further research in this area are offered. The authors discuss current trends that researchers are facing, and also highlight promising directions for future research on the impact of demographic transition methodology on the sustainable development of the country.

About the Authors

U. M. Iskakov
Narxoz University

d.e.s., professor


B. B. Mananov
Narxoz University

c.e.s., assistant professor


R. K. Turyszhanova
Narxoz University

d.f.s., professor



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For citations:

Iskakov U.M., Mananov B.B., Turyszhanova R.K. The analysis of sources on the methodology of demographic transition and impact on the sustainable socio-economic development of the country. Bulletin of "Turan" University. 2024;(2):230-244. (In Russ.)

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