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Methods to increase the efficiency of logistics processes


The purchasing process is considered one of the important functional areas in logistics, aimed at managing the movement of material flows in the enterprise. Each enterprise plans purchases, as well as their implementation, but they are not always given enough attention, which leads to both the irrational use of materials and increased costs for the purchase of raw materials. Therefore, systematic analysis of supply procedures and monitoring of this type of activity is desirable. Approaches to assessing the performance of enterprise procurement aimed at reducing costs and ensuring financial stability are relevant. To increase the efficiency of supply chain work, it is recommended to use research methodology: with a well-organized procurement process, we can talk about increasing the profitability and profitability of the company. Among the methods used to organize supply, the principles of ensuring continuity of supply are considered, which indicate the need to study this issue. The authors come to the conclusion that using the example of company “A”, methods are analyzed that make it possible to regulate the supply of goods, depending on the calculation of demand.

About the Authors

J. B. Izteleuova
Kazakh National University

PhD student


M. S. Izteleuova
Almaty Management University

d.t.s., professor


M. A. Imanbekova
Turan University

c.t.s., associate professor



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For citations:

Izteleuova J.B., Izteleuova M.S., Imanbekova M.A. Methods to increase the efficiency of logistics processes. Bulletin of "Turan" University. 2024;(2):262-273. (In Russ.)

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ISSN 1562-2959 (Print)
ISSN 2959-1236 (Online)