The impact of creative tourism on inclusive economic growth
The purpose of the article is to compile the author's characteristics of the values of inclusive tourism and creative development in an inclusive economy based on the analysis of international works of researchers, classification of the values of inclusive development and creative growth in the study of the influence of creative tourism on inclusive economic growth, to determine the level of priority indicators affecting economic growth, to determine the significance in the proportion of several indicators. The regulatory mechanisms necessary for the formation of the necessary level of creative tourism development in the study of development directions in inclusive economic growth are proposed. The relevance of the article lies in the fact that the dynamic development of tourism in the inclusive economic growth of the world's countries is becoming the main topic of research of the United Nations, the Organisation for Economic Cooperation Development, the World Bank and the whole world. In this regard, since 2021, the Republic of Kazakhstan has also embarked on the development of creative tourism along an inclusive path towards a creative economy. During the research of the article, methods of analyzing various indicators of sustainability, arithmetic mean estimation of the studied indicators and the significance of their specific weight, economic and statistical analysis, generalization, comparison were used. In conclusion, the various effects of several indicators on overall sustainability are identified, the priority weight of inclusive indicators in the development of tourism is determined, through the results obtained, to propose integrated approaches as a means of integration and systematization in ensuring the necessary level in the development of tourism.
About the Authors
A. A. OrynbassarovaKazakhstan
PhD, senior lecturer
A. A. Amanbayeva
PhD, senior lecturer
B. A. Kaliyaskarova
m.e.s., senior lecturer
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For citations:
Orynbassarova A.A., Amanbayeva A.A., Kaliyaskarova B.A. The impact of creative tourism on inclusive economic growth. Bulletin of "Turan" University. 2024;(2):289-301. (In Kazakh)