Strategic thinking of managers: a systematic review of the literature
The purpose of the study is to provide a systematic literature review that identifies the key reasons for the development of strategic thinking in companies. In the current economic environment, considering the integration of Kazakhstan into the global community, it becomes clear that the effective development of strategic thinking is necessary not only for small and medium-sized businesses, but also for large companies requiring deep reforms. The methodological basis of the study is the principles of economic theory in the field of management and strategic management. As part of the study, an analysis of the main works of classical scientists and modern researchers in the field of strategic thinking was conducted using methods of systematic literature review and bibliometric analysis. The total number of literary sources used is thirty. As a result of the study, four main factors (antecedents) for the development of strategic thinking were identified, which were most often mentioned in foreign studies and substantiated through scientific methods of analysis: vision, creativity, corporate culture, and knowledge management. The significance of this study lies in identifying and justifying the significance of these factors in the development of strategic thinking, which can become a competitive advantage in the market.
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For citations:
Aukenov A.D. Strategic thinking of managers: a systematic review of the literature. Bulletin of "Turan" University. 2024;(2):346-361. (In Kazakh)