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Analysis of the efficiency of the use of labor resources in agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan


In the article, the authors consider the current state of the labor market in the rural sector, namely, the efficiency of the use of labor resources in agriculture through quantitative and qualitative indicators. The analysis of these indicators allows to get information about the main problems and difficulties faced by employers in the process of using labor resources. Based on the analysis, the authors note that one of the main problems of agricultural enterprises affecting the competitive capabilities of the industry is the qualification of labor resources. At the level of senior management, the provision of high-quality personnel is relative. But there are not enough middle-level specialists and working professions. The authors also note that young professionals have no interest in staying in agriculture, so there is a high turnover of personnel. The authors conclude that the rapid development of technologies of the fourth industrial revolution, including digitalization, automation, and generational change of specialists and workers in the industry are the driving forces that change the requirements for the professionalism of employees of the agricultural industry. Therefore, in order to be competitive in the labor market, it is necessary to master new competencies and skills that can make their work indispensable. To win competition with machines, it is necessary to develop the ability to communicate with different people and the ability to work in a team, to train the willingness to solve problems and the desire to think outside the box. These competencies are universal for all professional fields of activity.

About the Authors

X. Tinkay
Kazakh State Agrarian University

PhD student


B. E. Rustembaev
Kazakh State Agrarian University

d.e.s., professor


K. Zh. Kadyrova
Turan University

m.e.s., senior lecturer


N. S. Amangeldiyeva
Turan University

m.e.s., senior lecturer



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For citations:

Tinkay X., Rustembaev B.E., Kadyrova K.Zh., Amangeldiyeva N.S. Analysis of the efficiency of the use of labor resources in agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Bulletin of "Turan" University. 2024;(2):378-394. (In Russ.)

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ISSN 1562-2959 (Print)
ISSN 2959-1236 (Online)