The impact of risk factors on the sustainability of food distribution chain functioning in Kazakhstan
In conditions of risk and uncertainty, food security is ensured taking into account the requirements of isolation, safety and health, which requires changes to the existing supply chain (SC) system in the food environment, as well as the creation of more sustainable food supply chains. The aim of the study is to assess the conditions and factors of the functioning of the food commodity distribution chain (FCDC) of the agri-food market in conditions of risk, in particular, the COVID-19 pandemic. To formulate a conceptual framework reflecting the structure of the SC elements, the method of systematic review and generalization of literature was used; the method of expert survey of participants in the SC of food products (FP). During the analysis, seven significant factor constraints (technological, financial, economic, institutional, social, epidemiological, geographical) were revealed, the environment and operating conditions of the FCDC associated with the impact of the pandemic were identified. The risk factors of the environment and operating conditions of the FCDC and their possible effects on the SC are evaluated. Practical recommendations are given to reduce risks and improve the efficiency of the agro-food commodity distribution SC. The study attempts to study the influence of various factors caused by the restriction of the functioning of the food environment and affecting the stability of the SC of perishable products. The results could also be used to inform SC participants about the measures needed to create more sustainable SC foods in the future.
About the Authors
Z. S. RaimbekovKazakhstan
d.e.s., professor
B. U. Syzdykbayeva
d.e.s., professor
A. A. Rakhmetulina
PhD student
T. A. Abylaykhanova
c.e.s., senior lecturer
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For citations:
Raimbekov Z.S., Syzdykbayeva B.U., Rakhmetulina A.A., Abylaykhanova T.A. The impact of risk factors on the sustainability of food distribution chain functioning in Kazakhstan. Bulletin of "Turan" University. 2024;(2):395-411. (In Kazakh)