
Bulletin of "Turan" University

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Systematic approach to the analysis of the structure of the scientific infrastructure of Kazakhstan


This article employs a systematic approach to examine the structure of Kazakhstan’s scientific infrastructure, emphasizing its role as a harmonious network of organizations dedicated to fostering entrepreneurship in the realm of science and technology. The central aim is to comprehensively assess the scientific infrastructure of Kazakhstan, encompassing its constituent elements, the overall state of science in the country, its scientific, scientific-technical, and human potential. Furthermore, the article conducts a meticulous examination of the conditions across various scientific domains. Through this analysis, the article identifies a complex web of connections that imbue the scientific infrastructure with systemic attributes, enabling a comprehensive understanding of their diversity, quality, and distinct roles in its development. Notably, the author underscores the pivotal role played by the state in shaping and advancing the scientific infrastructure, as it possesses the capacity to pool the essential resources required for its efficient operation. This is essential for establishing systemic innovation within the economy, thereby incentivizing economic entities to pursue novel advancements. Besides, this article offers a systematic exploration of Kazakhstan’s scientific infrastructure, highlighting its significance as a facilitator of innovation and commercialization of scientific and technical research.

About the Authors

F. A. Numanova
Turan University

PhD student


D. A. Maksimov
Russian Economic University named after. G.V. Plekhanov
Russian Federation

d.e.s., associate professor



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For citations:

Numanova F.A., Maksimov D.A. Systematic approach to the analysis of the structure of the scientific infrastructure of Kazakhstan. Bulletin of "Turan" University. 2024;(2):412-425.

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