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The role of language and education in self-identification and integration of kandas into Kazakhstan society


The purpose of this article is to determine the role of language and education in the self-identification and socioeconomic integration of repatriates into Kazakh society. The study is based on an analysis of historical materials, a comparison of statistical data and scientific works on this topic, as well as the results of field research – narrative biographical interviews with kandas, which were conducted in 3 regions of Kazakhstan: Almaty region, Esik; East Kazakhstan region, Shygys village; and North Kazakhstan region, the village of Sergeevka. These field studies were carried out in July-August 2023 under the project “Identification aspects of the integration of Kandas into Kazakh society”, dedicated to the problems of adaptation and integration of repatriates in Kazakhstan. The article examines various aspects related to language problems, such as insufficient knowledge of the Russian language, the impact of the language issue on self-identification and sociocultural adaptation and economic integration of the kandas. The article also examines the economic opportunities of repatriates depending on their level of education as well as education programs are offered by the state for young repatriates. In conclusion, the article summarizes the results and offers recommendations for improving integration mechanisms, such as strengthening language and cultural training; development of professional retraining and advanced training programs; simplification of bureaucratic procedures related to employment and obtaining documents; improving information support and consulting services for repatriates. This study is important for understanding and supporting the process of adaptation of kandas and creating a favorable environment for their socio-economic integration in Kazakh society. The results of the study can be used to develop and improve government programs aimed at supporting repatriates. The recommendations proposed in the article can help improve integration mechanisms and create more favorable conditions for the socioeconomic adaptation of the kandas. Taken together, the scientific significance of the article is manifested in its ability to expand knowledge about the processes of integration of repatriates and provide practical recommendations for improving these processes.

About the Authors

B. R. Shakeyeva
Turan University

PhD, associate professo-researcher


Zh. M. Tolen
Turan University

PhD., associate professor


Zh. A. Nogaybaeva
Caspian University

c.p.s., associate professor


E. Tankova
Varna Free University

PhD, associate professor



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For citations:

Shakeyeva B.R., Tolen Zh.M., Nogaybaeva Zh.A., Tankova E. The role of language and education in self-identification and integration of kandas into Kazakhstan society. Bulletin of "Turan" University. 2024;(2):454-467. (In Russ.)

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