Economic assessment of MSW reduction policy in the Republic of Kazakhstan using contingent valuation method
The growth of waste, including food waste, is one of the main environmental problems of current time. Our planet is increasingly covered with waste every year, and a large area is formed under landfills. Therefore, the ways to reduce waste effectively are being investigated by worldwide scientists. Composting is one of the proven means of dealing with food (organic) waste. Fortunately, this method of recycling food waste is actively practiced in Kazakhstan. However, statistics show that food waste recycling is still developing slowly. Only 3% of the total amount of waste processed is food waste. To develop effective strategies for addressing environmental programs, scientists propose using the CV method to determine the monetary value of environmental benefits. Furthermore, the examination of household behaviour regarding food waste is crucial for enhancing the effectiveness of government environmental programs. The results of this study showed that Kazakhstanis expressed their willingness to support the environmental initiative and pay 10 tenge more for utilities if this money was used to create food industry enterprises. This amount will be 600 million per year. The results of the regression analysis showed the importance of age and leading an environmentally friendly lifestyle in supporting environmental initiatives. Although we consider the results of this study to be preliminary data and continue to work on scaling the sample size, the chosen method of analysis may nonetheless be of interest to other researchers in the field.
About the Authors
S. S. КalievaKazakhstan
PhD, senior lecturer.
A. Е. Тolepov
PhD, senior lecturer.
A. Khoich
PhD, associate professor.
L. М. Shayakhmetova
PhD, associate professor.
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For citations:
Кalieva S.S., Тolepov A.Е., Khoich A., Shayakhmetova L.М. Economic assessment of MSW reduction policy in the Republic of Kazakhstan using contingent valuation method. Bulletin of "Turan" University. 2024;(3):23-34. (In Russ.)