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Trends and factors influencing the development of international tourism


The purpose of the article is to determine the return on investment produced by identifying modern trends in the development of international tourism and identifying factors affecting the development of tourism in the Republic of Kazakhstan. In order to achieve the objectives a certain number of regions and places of visitor accommodation were considered, investment in the tourism industry was analysed, and the results of a dynamic model with a distributed lag were obtained for the selected regions. Tourism development is an urgent topic, tourism is a source of income for millions of people working in this field, therefore, increasing the pace of development of the tourism sector is discussed in the Agendas of international organizations and in the annual Messages of the Head of State to the people of Kazakhstan. To determine the strategy for the development of the tourism services market, the factors influencing it were identified and a statistical analysis was carried out. Multiple correlation and regression analysis is one of the methods by which one can investigate the dependence of one variable on several variable factors. And for this purpose, significant factors were selected, and a multiple linear regression equation was constructed. The authors carried out a correlation and regression analysis using the example of regions, and also analyzed the obtained parameters of the multiple linear regression equation. In conclusion, the obtained regression equations in general and the coefficients are statistically significant and reliable at an appropriate level of significance. It allows us to draw conclusions based on the analysis of the obtained parameters of the multiple linear regression equation for the republic.

About the Authors

A. A. Kurbanbayeva
Kazakh National Agrarian Research University

C.e.s., senior lecturer.


G. Т. Ussembayeva
K. Sagadiev International Business University

M.e.s., senior lecturer.


R. Zh. Duiskenova
International University of Transport and Humanities

PhD, senior lecture.


G. U. Makenova
Naxoz University

M.e.s., senior lecturer.



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For citations:

Kurbanbayeva A.A., Ussembayeva G.Т., Duiskenova R.Zh., Makenova G.U. Trends and factors influencing the development of international tourism. Bulletin of "Turan" University. 2024;(3):221-233. (In Kazakh)

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ISSN 1562-2959 (Print)
ISSN 2959-1236 (Online)