
Bulletin of "Turan" University

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Creating financial mechanisms for enacting the monotowns revitalization strategy


The article provides an analysis of a study focused on crafting financial mechanisms to enact the monotown revitalization strategy. Monotowns marginalized within the economic development landscape encounter multifaceted challenges, including demographic decline, elevated unemployment rates, and degradation of social infrastructure. Consequently, the formulation of efficient financial mechanisms emerges as imperative for their resurgence. The objective of this study is to formulate efficient financial mechanisms to facilitate the implementation of monotown revitalization strategies. This entails a comprehensive examination of the existing conditions within monotowns, encompassing the identification of pertinent challenges and potential avenues for development. Additionally, the study aims to devise financial strategies and instruments geared towards fostering both economic advancement and social progress within these locales. Scientifically, the significance of this research resides in the conception of novel financing paradigms tailored specifically for monotowns, thereby fostering their sustainable development. Practically, the research holds relevance in its potential application, as the developed mechanisms stand poised for utilization by governmental and municipal entities in the execution of monotown revival initiatives. Consequently, this investigation contributes substantively to the realm of regional development management and financial planning. Its findings are poised to offer utility to governmental bodies, corporate entities vested in the enhancement of regional infrastructural frameworks and the rejuvenation of monotowns.

About the Authors

T. T. Zhumagul
Al Farabi KazNU

M.e.s., junior researcher.


N. B. Shurenov
Al Farabi KazNU; RMIT University

M.e.s., senior lecturer.

Almaty; Melbourne, Australia

N. A. Tovma
Al Farabi KazNU

PhD, c.e.s., senior lecturer.


A. A. Nurpeissova
Narxoz University

C.e.s., professor.



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For citations:

Zhumagul T.T., Shurenov N.B., Tovma N.A., Nurpeissova A.A. Creating financial mechanisms for enacting the monotowns revitalization strategy. Bulletin of "Turan" University. 2024;(3):139-151.

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ISSN 1562-2959 (Print)
ISSN 2959-1236 (Online)