Organization and financing of the health care system in Kazakhstan
Despite the challenges posed by the consequences of the global pandemic, achieving the country's national development goals remains a strategic direction of public health policy. The article aims to study the dynamics of healthcare financing in Kazakhstan, provide forecasts of upcoming development, and compare it with healthcare systems of developed countries. Based on the analysis of the current state and potential problems, recommendations were developed to improve the healthcare financing system in Kazakhstan. This article also analyzes the main parameters of health financing in the Republic of Kazakhstan for the period 2012–2022 and, in comparison with developed countries, provides the main reasons for maintaining low parameters of public health financing, which becomes a real obstacle to the implementation of measures aimed at achieving universal health coverage. During the research, a wide range of methodological approaches was applied, including system analysis (the study of an object as an integral system, interrelated elements), comparative analysis (comparison of the studied object with others in a number of characteristics), functional analysis (identification of the functions of the elements of the object and their interrelations), economic and statistical analysis and synthesis (collection, processing, interpretation of economic and statistical data), mathematical methods (modeling of studied processes and phenomena using mathematical models), dialectical methods (the study of an object in its development, change and contradictions), analysis of the burden of the disease (assessment of the economic and social consequences of the disease).
About the Authors
B. S. OmirbayevaKazakhstan
PhD, associate professor.
N. S. Ashirbekova
M.p.h, senior lecturer.
R. O. Sutbayeva
PhD, assistant professor.
A. T. Kazykeshova
PhD, associate professor.
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For citations:
Omirbayeva B.S., Ashirbekova N.S., Sutbayeva R.O., Kazykeshova A.T. Organization and financing of the health care system in Kazakhstan. Bulletin of "Turan" University. 2024;(3):179-194.