A multi-theoretical approach to supply chain management
The article examines the supply chain as a modeling object. The multi-criteria and contradictory goals in supply chain management are: on the one hand, the maximum level of service, on the other hand, minimizing logistics costs. Solving strategic optimization problems for this class of objects using classical optimization methods is difficult. The theoretical and methodological basis of the supply chain was considered from the perspective of a set-theoretic approach. The purpose of the study is to analyze the behavior of many different agents (suppliers, clients, etc.) with different needs and goals when making decisions. An agent is an active element of the system, possessing a certain autonomy and the ability to make independent decisions, relying on the information it has about the state of the environment and the actions of other agents. In turn, supply chains are a complex organizational (active) system, i.e. associated with human participation. The study of behavioral aspects and interorganizational interaction, the formation of new organizational forms are an extremely important aspect in the management and modeling of supply chains, a factor in the dynamic behavior of the logistics system. The conducted research represents an important contribution to the development of knowledge about the application of the set-theoretic approach in supply chain management. It demonstrates the applicability of this approach in practice through an analysis of a specific company, LLP «Knauf», on the Kazakhstan market.
About the Authors
Zh. Zh. KenzhebayKazakhstan
PhD student.
S. K. Akhmetkaliyeva
С.t.s., associate professor.
T. K. Tursynbai
M.t.s., specialist.
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For citations:
Kenzhebay Zh.Zh., Akhmetkaliyeva S.K., Tursynbai T.K. A multi-theoretical approach to supply chain management. Bulletin of "Turan" University. 2024;(3):271-284. https://doi.org/10.46914/1562-2959-2024-1-3-271-284