International experience of foreign countries in the field of light industry
This article presents an extensive analysis of international experience in the field of light industry, in particular, using the example of several effectively functioning foreign countries. Which is a valuable source of knowledge and best practices that can be applied in the context of Kazakhstan.The purpose of this study is to study in depth the international experience in light industry, especially in the context of globalization and increased international competition.This article presents various segments of light industry and types of its products, as well as a comparative analysis of the leading countries of the world and Kazakhstan in the share of GDP attributable to light industry. An important aspect of the study is the analysis of effective experience in creating jobs, promoting social stability, increasing exports and expanding the trade balance, as well as stimulating innovation and technological development. The value of this study lies not only in the study of international experience, which helps to avoid repeating mistakes, but also in adapting successful strategies to the local conditions of Kazakhstan. This will accelerate the development of the light industry by introducing innovations in light industry technology, changes in consumer behavior, taking into account trends in sustainable development, etc. The results of this study will allow us to identify not only the main trends and strategies for the successful development of light industry abroad and consider them, but also apply them in practice in the context of our own country.
About the Authors
A. M. NurmagambetovaKazakhstan
PhD student.
S. Dariusz
PhD, professor.
Zh. N. Kusmoldayeva
M.e.s., senior lecturer.
A. Zh. Boltaeva
M.e.s., senior lecturer.
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For citations:
Nurmagambetova A.M., Dariusz S., Kusmoldayeva Zh.N., Boltaeva A.Zh. International experience of foreign countries in the field of light industry. Bulletin of "Turan" University. 2024;(3):297-311. (In Russ.)