Development trends of the Kazakhstani labor market in the context of economic transformation
The labor market, like any other market, is affected by the economic situation developing in the country. At the same time, its condition and the indicators characterizing it act not only as bright indicators of the general socioeconomic situation of society, but also signal the emergence, deepening and growth of various problems associated with increasing social tension. This paper summarizes various approaches to defining and characterizing the labor market, and provides a comprehensive analysis of trends, magnitude and dynamics of factors influencing the current state of the labor market, its features in the distribution of employment among the population and directions of transformation. The studied aspects and factors significantly transform traditional relations in the labor market. Changes occurring in this area affect both working conditions and the process of labor activity itself. This leads to the disappearance of some professions and the emergence of new ones, which, on the one hand, can cause fluctuations in the unemployment rate, and on the other hand, increase the requirements for the qualifications of potential employees. The current situation requires urgent measures to organize the coordinated activities of various economic agents aimed at monitoring and regulating relations in the labor market.
About the Authors
E. M. YeralinaKazakhstan
PhD, postdoctoral student
K. Y. Izguttiyeva
Russian Federation
m.e.s., senior lecturer
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For citations:
Yeralina E.M., Izguttiyeva K.Y. Development trends of the Kazakhstani labor market in the context of economic transformation. Bulletin of "Turan" University. 2024;(4):9-21.