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Perspective assessment of the export potential of the grain industry of Kazakhstan


The research article examines the assessment of the export potential of the grain industry in Kazakhstan. The main attention is paid to crop production, which is the main direction of agricultural production. The share in the gross output of agriculture, forestry and fisheries was 61%, including 25% of the total accounted for the cultivation of grain crops. And over the last decade, this value for grain varies between 20-30%. The importance of grain farming as a significant branch of the agro-industrial complex of the country, comparable with the share in the output of all livestock production, is highlighted. Its development has decisive socio-economic consequences for the country as a whole. The main factors of grain exports in the agricultural sector have been identified, of course, exports from Kazakhstan are not crucial for the foreign trade sector, however, they are an important factor in the development of rural areas. Currently, about a third of the grain grown is sent to the world market, which allows Kazakhstan to play a significant role in international trade and ensuring global food security, ensuring its own status as a net exporter of food products and directly affecting the competitiveness and efficiency of the industry. A retrospective analysis of grain production and use in Kazakhstan, including in the context of individual grain crops, was carried out. The trends of grain exports from Kazakhstan in the context of the largest countries in the consumption of Kazakh grain are revealed. The results of promising markets and grain sales routes from Kazakhstan are presented.

About the Authors

P. D. Beisekova
Esil University

m.e.s., senior lecturer


E. V. Kaliyeva
Almaty Technological University

PhD, associate professor 


J. S. Kirbetova
Almaty Technological University

m.e.s., senior lecturer 


T. N. Bedelbekova
Caspian Public University

m.e.s., senior lecturer 



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For citations:

Beisekova P.D., Kaliyeva E.V., Kirbetova J.S., Bedelbekova T.N. Perspective assessment of the export potential of the grain industry of Kazakhstan. Bulletin of "Turan" University. 2024;(4):22-34. (In Russ.)

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ISSN 1562-2959 (Print)
ISSN 2959-1236 (Online)