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Organizational and economic aspect of forming a quinoa cluster in Kazakhstan


Quinoa is relatively unpopular, unique herbaceous plant which can help with the solution of many economic problems such as: resolving food safety of the country, expanding the format of agricultural production, appliance of quinoa in various sectors of the national economy. In the course of writing this article, analytical, statistical, monographic, positive and normative research methods were applied. The authors define the following purposes: to elaborate the importance of growing quinoa in our country, to show advantages and possible benefits of its development in various sectors and the main idea of the article is cluster development which should help in achieving tangible results in the shortest time span. Long-term prospects raise interest. Quinoa as a grain crop takes root very easily in difficult agro-ecological conditions. The Republic of Kazakhstan, in addition to lands favorable for agriculture, has arid areas, as well as areas with saline soils; accordingly, they are subject to low crop rotation. The authors propose to place a cluster in the Aral Sea region on the Kazakh side for growing and processing quinoa with the aim of developing the region and producing a variety of related products from it. This proposal will help to solve organizational and financial issues of implementing large innovative projects. The proposed cluster in the article comprises enterprises which closely cooperate with scientific, financial institutions and government authorities. The development of the cluster has to make possible to use all resources more fully, reveal the possibilities of the “green economy”, rational use of resources, technology transfer and ensure the production of competitive products.

About the Authors

Ye. E. Gridneva
Caspian Public University

с.e.s., associate professor 


G. Sh. Kaliakparova
Caspian Public University

PhD, associate professor 



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For citations:

Gridneva Ye.E., Kaliakparova G.Sh. Organizational and economic aspect of forming a quinoa cluster in Kazakhstan. Bulletin of "Turan" University. 2024;(4):35-48. (In Russ.)

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