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State management of the regional image as a tool of regional strategies development


State management of the region's image plays a key role in the strategic development of territories. The image of a region is formed under the influence of many factors, including economic indicators, social conditions, environmental conditions, cultural heritage and information policy. In this article, the object of research is the Pavlodar region, considered from the point of view of image formation. The factors of political influence and mechanisms of information support that contribute to the creation of a positive image and increase in the investment attractiveness of the region are analyzed. The Pavlodar region has significant natural resources and developed industrial and transport infrastructure, which creates the basis for economic growth. In order to leverage these advantages, it is necessary to target image management focused on long-term strategies. focused on long-term strategies. The conducted sociological survey revealed the strengths and weaknesses of the region. The authors determined that the image of a region is influenced by various factors, including natural resources, development of economic infrastructure, cultural heritage and quality of life of the population. The activities of government agencies aimed at strengthening and promoting a positive image of the region play an important role. Comprehensive strategies aimed at developing tourism and investment attractiveness, improving the urban environment, supporting local entrepreneurship and strengthening social infrastructure ensure the formation of a sustainable, favourable image and increasing the region's competitiveness in the international arena. In the context of the digital transformation of the economy of Kazakhstan, in order to improve the image of the region, the authors propose optimizing the branding and positioning of the region, which requires the use of modern models and approaches, such as: digital integration, omnichannel, sustainable positioning, brand ecosystem, interactivity. These approaches help adapt branding to new digital conditions and strengthen the presence of the region in the national and international arenas.

About the Authors

S. E. Kaidarova
Toraighyrov University

PhD, associate professor 


G. K. Baibash
Astana International University

PhD, associate professor 


N. E. Abdildinova
Astana International University

PhD, associate professor 


S. T. Okutaeva
Astana International University

PhD, associate professor 



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For citations:

Kaidarova S.E., Baibash G.K., Abdildinova N.E., Okutaeva S.T. State management of the regional image as a tool of regional strategies development. Bulletin of "Turan" University. 2024;(4):90-101. (In Kazakh)

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ISSN 1562-2959 (Print)
ISSN 2959-1236 (Online)