Factors of growth in the creative sector: an overview of the development concepts of creative industries in Kazakhstan and the UK
The article is dedicated to exploring the prerequisites and identifying the development potential of the creative sector in Kazakhstan. The main objective of the work is to determine the key factors contributing to the sustainable growth of creative industries through a comparative analysis of Kazakhstan’s "Concept for the Development of Creative Industries for 2021–2025" and the British "Creative Industries Sector Deal." The study employs methods of systematic literature review, comparative, and critical analysis to assess factors such as government support, investment activity, infrastructure projects, and workforce training. The scientific significance of the research lies in the systematization and evaluation of the impact of economic, social, and institutional factors on the growth of the creative sector in Kazakhstan. The practical significance of the work is associated with the potential use of the findings to develop strategies aimed at advancing the creative sector, which will enhance its contribution to the economy and improve Kazakhstan's international competitiveness. The results of the study may be used to prepare a new section for the course on innovative economics and hold certain value for experts in the field of creative economy
About the Authors
M. U. YalkunovKazakhstan
PhD student
G. U. Khadjieva
PhD, research professor
T. S. Karabchuk
United Arab Emirates
PhD, associate professor
Abu Dhabi
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For citations:
Yalkunov M.U., Khadjieva G.U., Karabchuk T.S. Factors of growth in the creative sector: an overview of the development concepts of creative industries in Kazakhstan and the UK. Bulletin of "Turan" University. 2024;(4):116-128. (In Russ.) https://doi.org/10.46914/1562-2959-2024-1-4-116-128