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Problems of brand formation and development in case of Almaty city


The city brand allows creating a special tourist focus and facilitates effective communication with the local community. The objectives of the city brand are to increase the city’s recognisability, increase its attractiveness to tourists, attract investment and create a holistic image of the city reflecting cultural values and national identity. The article analyses the problems of formation and development of the city brand of Almaty, the key centre of Kazakhstan, known for its cultural and historical significance. Despite its rich heritage and strategic location, Almaty is facing various challenges in creating an effective brand. The article discusses the main aspects affecting the city’s image, such as infrastructural deficiencies, insufficient integration of the local population into the branding processes, as well as competition. branding processes, as well as competition with other cities in the region. On the basis of qualitative and quantitative analyses conducted through surveys and interviews with local residents and tourists, the main barriers to successful brand promotion were identified. The article offers recommendations on improving the city branding strategy, including community engagement, infrastructure development and the use of digital technologies to promote the image of the city. The results of the study may be useful for state and local authorities and all stakeholders seeking to improve the overall perception of Almaty as an attractive place to live and invest.

About the Authors

S. T. Kargabayeva
Turan University

c.e.s., associate professor 


U. Torekulova
Turan University

PhD, associate professor 


B. Keneshbayev
Khoja Akhmet Yassawi International Kazakh-Turkish University

PhD., senior lecturer 


D. Kargabayeva
Al Faraby Kazakh National University

m.t.s., PhD student 



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For citations:

Kargabayeva S.T., Torekulova U., Keneshbayev B., Kargabayeva D. Problems of brand formation and development in case of Almaty city. Bulletin of "Turan" University. 2024;(4):129-143.

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