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Improving the strategic competitiveness of entrepreneurial structures in meat production


The article analyzes the innovative activities introduced into their production to increase the competitiveness of meat business structures in Kazakhstan. The production of new innovative products based on innovative cooperation and technological integration of entrepreneurial structures in meat production, increases the volume, quality and efficiency of their production. It has been established that Ordabasy Kus LLP, based on innovative entrepreneurship, is the first innovative enterprise in Kazakhstan applying a new approach to organization and management, focused on innovation, based on the constant search for new ideas and opportunities. In this business structure, it was possible to increase the competitiveness of products and enterprises by releasing new products, expanding the product range, trend, product and marketing innovations into their enterprises. Joint performance of the functions of entrepreneurial structures in the meat production of Kazakhstan: agricultural enterprises, production cooperatives, peasant (farmer) farms, individual entrepreneurs, personal subsidiary farms based on the creation of innovative production associations (cooperatives) based on cooperative relations is proposed by the author. Poultry farming company Ordabasy Kus LLP leads two strategic growth paths: 1) KSIP - creation of “innovative production” on the basis of “reverse strategic integration production” – the number of breeding stock focused on the production of breeding bird eggs; 2) AZIP - on the basis of “upcoming strategic vertical integration production” - intensive expanded reproduction for development purposes, it is proposed to create an “innovative production” for the cultivation of young chickens on replacement of the breeding stock.

About the Authors

R. N. Kuatbekova
Auezov South Kazakhstan University

PhD student 


A. B. Mukhamedkhanova
Auezov South Kazakhstan University
Russian Federation

PhD, senior lecturer 


D. M. Karimov
National University of Uzbekistan named after Mirzo Ulugbek

PhD, associate professor 


V. N. Seitova
Auezov South Kazakhstan University

PhD., senior lecturer 



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For citations:

Kuatbekova R.N., Mukhamedkhanova A.B., Karimov D.M., Seitova V.N. Improving the strategic competitiveness of entrepreneurial structures in meat production. Bulletin of "Turan" University. 2024;(4):144-159. (In Kazakh)

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