The current state of entrepreneurial activity in the tourism sector and ways of its development
Purpose. To consider the theoretical and practical aspects of the organization of entrepreneurial activity in the field of tourism and identify promising areas for its development. To conduct an analysis of the current state of business development in the field of tourism in the Republic of Kazakhstan. The main purpose of this article is to analyze the indicators of the tourism sector for 2017–2021, i.e., to study tourist flows, determine the share of tourism sector in the gross domestic product, identify the activity of small and medium-sized businesses in the field of accommodation, entertainment and recreation. Methods. Using the bibliographic method, a review of the works of foreign and domestic researchers’ studies within the framework of the problem under topic was conducted. Using the methods of comparative analysis, economic and statistical analysis, the analysis of current indicators of the flows of domestic, inbound and outbound tourism; the share of tourism in the gross domestic product; recreation, entertainment and accommodation was carried out. The current state of development of entrepreneurial activity in the field of tourism is characterized by the method of generalization. The results of the analysis were processed using the graphical method. Conclusions. The results of the analysis of the current state of entrepreneurial activity in the sphere of tourism testify to the positive dynamic development of the industry. Among tourist flows there is noted activness of domestic tourism development. Among the subjects of entrepreneurship, organised in the tourism sector, the share of small and individual entrepreneurship has increased. This indicates the priority of organisation of small business in the sphere of services.
About the Authors
R. ShokhanKazakhstan
c.e.s., associate professor
E. Tlessova
c.e.s., associate professor
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For citations:
Shokhan R., Tlessova E. The current state of entrepreneurial activity in the tourism sector and ways of its development. Bulletin of "Turan" University. 2024;(4):160-171. (In Kazakh)