Foreign approaches to providing affordable housing: analysis of successful practices
The article highlights the current problem of socio-economic development related to providing the population with housing. Improving the quality of life and meeting basic human needs closely depend on the availability of housing. Rapid development of urban areas, urbanization and demographic growth increase the demand and cost of housing, which poses the task of providing housing to socially vulnerable groups of the population for the state. The construction sector of Kazakhstan remains one of the most attractive areas for investment. In today's economic conditions, the relationship between financial planning and forecasting plays a decisive role in the sustainable development of various industries, including the construction industry. This article analyzes foreign experience in the field of affordable housing, considers the mechanisms for implementing state housing programs, as well as factors affecting housing affordability. Using comparative and statistical analysis, the authors identify the main approaches to solving the problem of housing affordability in different countries and assess their effectiveness. In addition, the article considers the experience of other countries in expanding the areas of state housing programs, introducing additional financing instruments and finding new sources of housing financing. The methods of comparative analysis, statistical analysis, synthesis and generalization used in the article allow us to identify the main trends and patterns in the provision of affordable housing abroad. In conclusion, the authors emphasize the importance of improving the mechanisms for providing affordable housing and adapting successful foreign experience to our own conditions to ensure sustainable socio-economic development of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
About the Authors
A. Ye. AmanbaiKazakhstan
PhD student
R. A. Baizholova
d.e.s., professor
D. N. Silka
Russian Federation
d.e.s, professor
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For citations:
Amanbai A.Ye., Baizholova R.A., Silka D.N. Foreign approaches to providing affordable housing: analysis of successful practices. Bulletin of "Turan" University. 2024;(4):213-226. (In Russ.)