Mechanisms for implementing human resource management practices at a regional university
Human resource management practices are critical in determining the effectiveness, organizational culture and productivity of organizations and universities in particular. Because of the need to improve the competitiveness of higher education organizations, to meet the rapid growth of technology and the new emerging needs of faculty and staff, it is important to focus on effective human resource management practices. The purpose of this study is to identify and analyse the processes by which which human resource management practices are implemented at a regional university. In this way, the study is able to determine the current state of the human resource management practices, problems and conditions that can improve or limit the process of human resource management strategies in the university context. A qualitative research method was used to conduct an in-depth analysis of HR management practices at the university. A total of 11 interviews were conducted with participants selected for their roles and procedures for implementing human resource management practices. The collected qualitative data were analyzed using NVivo software with the help of the thematic analysis, whereby the data were coded to identify themes and patterns. The results confirm the importance of effective HR management practices at the university, especially their impact on increasing job satisfaction, reducing employee turnover and improving the organization image. The qualitative results indicate the positive results of implementing HR management practices to improve positive organizational performance. This study is important because it fills a research gap that has not been effectively explored in the literature on human resource management at the universities.
About the Authors
Zh. B. KudaibergenovKazakhstan
PhD, senior lecturer
B. Zh. Bolatova
PhD, associate professor
L. T. Taizhanov
PhD, senior lecturer
G. Kunurkulzhayeva
с.e.s., associate professor
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For citations:
Kudaibergenov Zh.B., Bolatova B.Zh., Taizhanov L.T., Kunurkulzhayeva G. Mechanisms for implementing human resource management practices at a regional university. Bulletin of "Turan" University. 2024;(4):242-252.