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Prospects for the development of trade relations between Kazakhstan and the Eurasian Economic Union member countries


The purpose of this research is to develop the main proposals for the development of the EAEU member states joint integration policy in the agro-industrial complex. The analysis of the agricultural production state for goods with a high level of competition as well as recommendations are made and the mechanism for coordinated export policy for agricultural goods with a high level of competition in the goods market is developed. In the article the authors made their own assessment of the EAEU member countries export potential in accordance with the main commodity items classifier to optimize export flows. Despite the fact that the EAEU has existed for 5 years, there are a number of problems between the integration participants, the solution of which requires a fairly long time. The main contradictions between the union member countries are due to economic feasibility, which has become part of the political component. According to the authors, the scientific justification of the integration processes will stimulate the removal of barriers in mutual trade and other economic cooperation areas, lead to technological modernization of agriculture in the EAEU countries, increase the profitability of agricultural producers, give a powerful impetus to the development of the social services in rural areas and ensure food security for all members of the Union.

About the Authors

B. N. Naukenova
Turan-Astana University

A. A. Pyagay
Turan-Astana University


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For citations:

Naukenova B.N., Pyagay A.A. Prospects for the development of trade relations between Kazakhstan and the Eurasian Economic Union member countries. Bulletin of "Turan" University. 2020;(2):29-35. (In Russ.)

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ISSN 1562-2959 (Print)
ISSN 2959-1236 (Online)