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Environmental security in the context of human capital formation


The article deals with the human capital formed under the influence of the health system (health potential), education (qualification potential), environmental safety. The unfavorable ecological state of the Republic poses a real threat to the health of the population, including children, and therefore environmental safety is one of the main components of national security. Adverse environmental conditions significantly affect the physical development of the population and leads to the development of adverse factors in health, which is expressed in the formation of human capital. The article also presents the methodological basis for assessing the impact of anthropogenic and environmental factors on the quality of human capital. In addition, the article describes the methodological basis for assessing the impact of anthropogenic and environmental factors on the quality of human capital. The problem of environmental safety requires research and disclosure of the essence and content of the concept of “environmental safety”. Currently, neither in the economic nor in other scientific literature there is no clear definition of this concept. Without specifying the concept of “environmental safety”, it is difficult to talk about the mechanism for solving the problem. Ecological safety, as a branch of interdisciplinary knowledge, occupies a certain level in the systemic organization of modern science. In the Law “On Environmental Protection” the concept of “environmental safety” is considered as a state of protection of the natural environment and vital human interests from the possible negative impact of economic and other activities, natural and man-made emergencies, and their consequences.

About the Authors

G. B. Alina
Kazakh University of Economics

A. Zh. Yeskaliyeva
Finance and International Trade


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For citations:

Alina G.B., Yeskaliyeva A.Zh. Environmental security in the context of human capital formation. Bulletin of "Turan" University. 2020;(2):56-63. (In Russ.)

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ISSN 1562-2959 (Print)
ISSN 2959-1236 (Online)