
Bulletin of "Turan" University

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Analysis of the particularities of creating a system of logical activity at the enterprise for the production of tare products


Domestic packaging industry is not going through an easy time. The volume of production of polymers, corrugated cardboard, glass containers and other packaging products is falling in Kazakhstan. Today, the domestic packaging market needs to expand production that can bring the packaging platform to the level of the world's leading industries. Packaging allows to reduce the losses of products, guarantee their quality, increase their shelf life, and ensure delivery to the consumer. Product packaging plays an important role in the chain of production-storage-transportation-sales practical for all industries. Market conditions dictate the need to radically improve the competitiveness of packaging and packaging materials. When talking about the problems of creating a system of logistical activities for the production of packaging products it is important to set the basic principles, approaches, methods and indicators, according to which the system of logistics activities is formed and its performance is evaluated. The main principle of forming a system of logistics activities is that at the present stage of development of the considered enterprises, in particular, enterprises for the production of corrugated cardboard, the system is one of the main opportunities to increase competitiveness by increasing the volume of products produced. At each stage of the product lifecycle (in accordance with the marketing concept), logistics activities play a role. The terms of supply of inventory (their availability) and terms of execution of orders accepted by the company may change depending on the current market opportunities and competitive situation.

About the Authors

D. I. Razakova
Turan University

M. Zh. Konyrbekov
Turan University


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For citations:

Razakova D.I., Konyrbekov M.Zh. Analysis of the particularities of creating a system of logical activity at the enterprise for the production of tare products. Bulletin of "Turan" University. 2020;(2):122-130. (In Russ.)

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ISSN 1562-2959 (Print)
ISSN 2959-1236 (Online)