Problems of price instability of the consumer market prices in Kazakhstan
In Kazakhstan, food prices increase every year, and the problem of pricing varies greatly in different regions of the country. This naturally affects the social environment of the population. The goals and main directions of implementation of the development Strategy of the Republic of Kazakhstan until 2020, compared with the goals and objectives of the program “Reducing differences in the socio - economic development of the regions of the Russian Federation until 2020” are analyzed. Measures and ways of stable pricing in the consumer markets of Kazakhstan are stated. The influence of the competitive environment and methods of influence on prices in the consumer markets of the country are revealed. We must pay attention to stability of prices by the increase of competition in the market. The article offers suggestions on ways to solve the instability of prices for consumer goods. The authors recommend creating a center for a general monitoring system and appointing inspectors-economists to collect materials on the prices of goods in consumer markets. With their help, price fluctuations are studied, as a result, the reasons for unjustified price increases will be identified, and work will also be carried out to activate the supply and demand mechanism in the market, and conditions will be created for perfect competition. In regional monitoring centers, information is collected on price increases, and levers are being developed to stabilize them and prevent their further growth. In this case, there is no need to use administrative methods in the markets, it is recommended to use indirect methods to activate market mechanisms.
тұтыну нарығы,
даму стратегиясы,
мемлекеттік реттеу,
баға құрылымы,
баға тұрақтылығы,
потребительский рынок,
стратегия развития,
государственное регулирование,
стабильность цен,
user market,
strategy of development,
government control,
prices stability
About the Authors
B. Sh. Syzdykov
Іnternatіonal humanіtarіan and technіcal unіversіty
D. B. Balabekova
Іnternatіonal humanіtarіan and technіcal unіversіty
A. A. Іmanbayev
Іnstіtute of Mardan Saparbayev
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2. Қазақстан Республикасының 2020 жылға дейінгі Cтратегиялық даму жоспары. Қазақстан Республикасы Президентінің 2018 жылғы 15 ақпандағы № 636 Жарлығымен бекітілген.
3. ҚР Ұлттық экономика министрлігінің сайты мәліметтері: https://barііmіzde-azyq-tulіk.
4. Қазақстан Республикасы статистика агентігі. Ю. Шоқамановтың статистикалық мәліметі, 2019.
5. «Ресей Федерациясының аймақтарының 2020 жылға дейінгі әлеуметтік - экономикалық дамуындағы айырмашылықтарды қысқарту» мақсатты Бағдарламасы. 2011 ж. 11 қазанында. № 717. Ресей Федерациясының Үкіметі тарапынан бекітілген.
For citations:
Syzdykov B.Sh.,
Balabekova D.B.,
Іmanbayev A.A.
Problems of price instability of the consumer market prices in Kazakhstan. Bulletin of "Turan" University. 2020;(2):149-153.
(In Russ.)
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