
Bulletin of "Turan" University

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Improvement of stimulating methods for effective regulation of the enterprise income taxation


Currently, one of the main goals of the economy is determination the level of taxes received from enterprises, identification the impact of corporate income tax on the state of the enterprise and taking the necessary measures for its in-depth analysis. The article analyzes ways of improving methods of stimulating effective regulation of corporate income taxation. The main goal of the corporate income tax reforming in the field of improving the methods of tax regulation is to simplify the procedure for calculating and optimizing tax benefits with lowering tax rates. The requirement to pay advance corporate income tax payments for small and medium-sized businesses is excluded. Effective reduction of the tax burden on enterprises, business entities, small and medium-sized businesses that can improve the implementation of tax incentives in Kazakhstan - reduce the need for enterprises and entrepreneurs to hide their income, eliminate tax evasion, and release a large number of business tools for increase business activity, additionally invest in domestic production. The tax incentive mechanism will not only stimulate the business to operate profitably, but also ensure the full and timely development of production and the full receipt of taxes to the budget, as well as eliminate the shadow business and have a positive impact on overall economic development.

About the Authors

A. B. Aidarova
M. Auezov South-Kazakhstan State University

G. Ye. Maulenkulova
M. Auezov South-Kazakhstan State University

K. K. Mamutova
M. Auezov South-Kazakhstan State University


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For citations:

Aidarova A.B., Maulenkulova G.Ye., Mamutova K.K. Improvement of stimulating methods for effective regulation of the enterprise income taxation. Bulletin of "Turan" University. 2020;(2):154-159. (In Russ.)

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ISSN 1562-2959 (Print)
ISSN 2959-1236 (Online)