The controls of the urban transport system
Urban passenger transport consists of many elements that are differently interrelated. Changing one of the elements leads to several possible outcomes. Urban transport problems are among the most important in the spectrum of problems faced by municipal authorities. With the entry to the market of transport services for passengers of enterprises with different forms of ownership, the control over compliance with the standards and parameters of the technological process has deteriorated, which leads to a deterioration of the conditions of passengers’ transportation. The scattered industrial and dormitory areas of Nur-Sultan and their significant distance from each other cause a longer travel distance of one passenger than in other cities of Kazakhstan. All passenger transportation is carried out by one public fleet № 1, and 7 vehicle fleets, which are private legal entities. The article deals with the object of management of the urban passenger transport of Nur-Sultan, as well as subjects of the urban passenger transport system, their interests and goals of these subjects. The models of urban passenger transport management are considered. This article is devoted to the interrelations between the organizational structures of urban public transport and the whole systems of urban transport, to the description and typification of the organizational structure. In the end, brief discussions connected with the basic direction of research - relations between organizational structure and transport systems are given.
urban transport,
governing bodies,
transport services,
organizational structure,
passenger transportation,
transport problems,
городской транспорт,
органы управления,
транспортное обслуживание,
организационная структура,
пассажирские перевозки,
транспортные проблемы,
қалалық көлік,
басқару органдары,
көлік қызметі,
ұйымдастыру құрылымы,
жолаушылар тасымалы,
көлік мәселелері
About the Authors
A. K. Kerimbek
Kazakh university of economics, finance and international trade
T. K. Bekzhanova
Kazakh university of economics, finance and international trade
Zh. S. Raimbekov
L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University
G. E. Kerimbek
Astana University
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For citations:
Kerimbek A.K.,
Bekzhanova T.K.,
Raimbekov Zh.S.,
Kerimbek G.E.
The controls of the urban transport system. Bulletin of "Turan" University. 2020;(2):212-216.
(In Russ.)
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