The article covers the issue of the state policy of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the field of entrepreneurship development. During the years of independence, Kazakhstan’s statehood has achieved certain positive results in the development of the small and medium business sector. In the ratings of international institutions that reflect the promotion of entrepreneurship and the intensification of economic activity, the Republic of Kazakhstan has progressively risen in recent years, which shows a positive assessment by the international community of the reforms being carried out in our country and, which is, certainly, an indicator of the success of the activities held. The article reflects the systematic policy pursued by the republic to reduce the share of state participation in the country’s economy, the implementation of successive steps to transfer state functions to the competitive environment, and the implementation of the principles of Yellow Pages Rule. The article underlines certain competitive advantages of small and medium-sized businesses, as well as the creation by these subjects of favorable conditions for the progressive development of the state economy as a whole, such as: the adaptive properties of these types of business entities; small resource opportunities to start and implement a business; the possibility of high intensity; fuller satisfaction of consumer demand characteristic of the territory; new jobs in a short time; overcoming sectoral and regional monopoly.