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Main directions in the application of customer orientation strategies in enterprises


In a rising competitive environment the effective development of entrepreneurship is closely related to the issue of customer relations, so the emphasis in research should be put on the management instruments concerned with attracting and retaining customers. The article discusses main directions of an enterprise in working with customer segments, the main indicators and appraisal criteria of an enterprise’s development of customer orientation, considering the customer potential social and economic feasibility of customer oriented development strategy in an enterprise. The article provides the analysis of the relationship created throughout the process of strategic management of an enterprise based on customer orientation. The article discusses the management development strategies of an organisation from the position of a customer orientation approach, being one of the most important factors providing the organisation with high level of competitiveness in its business environment. In the context of increasing of intellectual potential, changes are occuring in management and marketing practices of organisations’ operations. The introduction of customer orientation being the factor of increasing the competitiveness of an organisation, as well as labour productivity by growing the customer base, enhances the main goal of commercial organisations - increase in profitability and production volumes. The authors emphasize the benefits of using a client-oriented strategy: Customer Relationship Management (CRM), SMM (Social Media Marketing) technology, retail development through mobile applications (m-commerce), the use of modern interactive technologies in the online trading system. Besides, factors that prevent the widespread use of CRM programs in business were identified.

About the Authors

M. Zh. Tursumbayeva
Kazakh University of Economics, Finance and International Trade

S. K. Kapysheva
Kazakh University of Economics, Finance and International Trade

A. M. Dauletova
Karaganda State University


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For citations:

Tursumbayeva M.Zh., Kapysheva S.K., Dauletova A.M. Main directions in the application of customer orientation strategies in enterprises. Bulletin of "Turan" University. 2019;(1):41-46. (In Russ.)

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ISSN 1562-2959 (Print)
ISSN 2959-1236 (Online)