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Formation of sustainable development of rural territories on the basis of foreign experience


The article raises the question of the formation of sustainable development of rural areas as one of the most important strategic goals of state policy. The modern state, actual problems of development of rural territories of the Republic of Kazakhstan, and also opportunities of ensuring sustainable development of rural territories by increase of their investment appeal are considered. As a result of studying the issue of sustainable development of rural areas of Kazakhstan and the factors affecting it, the need for the use of advanced foreign experience in the development of rural regions is defined. The experience of rural development in the European Union, Finland, Sweden, Denmark is studied , a comparative analysis of the regional policy in Kazakhstan is made. In order to address the issues of sustainable development of rural infrastructure in the framework of the program «Employment-2020», it is planned to implement a new direction of development of rural settlements, including the reconstruction and repair of engineering, transport and social infrastructure in rural areas. The experience of developed countries has shown that in conditions of limited budget funds it is necessary to use more actively the experience of investment management and project management of the private sector in order to achieve regional political goals, address issues of social and transport infrastructure, reduce the burden on the budget. The authors concluded that for the sustainable development of rural areas, taking into account the best practices of foreign countries, it is necessary to create favorable conditions for attracting investment in rural areas.

About the Authors

A. K. Sharipov
Almaty branch of the Academy of public administration under the President of RK

A. Ye. Bedelbayeva
I. Zhansugurov Zhetysu state university


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For citations:

Sharipov A.K., Bedelbayeva A.Ye. Formation of sustainable development of rural territories on the basis of foreign experience. Bulletin of "Turan" University. 2019;(1):69-73. (In Russ.)

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ISSN 1562-2959 (Print)
ISSN 2959-1236 (Online)