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Flax as a global raw material resource of Kazakhstan


There has been a significant increase in acreage under oilseeds in the recent years in our republic. Growing flax for Kazakhstan has become one of the most important components of agribusiness. The article considers the importance of flax in human life, shows the export of flax, and presents the author’s observations on the volume of flax production on a global scale and in the Republic of Kazakhstan. Natural priorities and peculiarities of production of flax are located in Kostanay region, North and West Kazakhstan. The article includes statistics on acreage for the last years. It should be noted that flax is an environmentally friendly crop, which practically does not require chemical means of protection and fertilizers. Flax crops free the land from radionuclides and heavy metals, leaving a minimal amount of disease and pests. Flax in crop rotation is a thinning crop, which makes it possible to sow any other crop after it is harvested, and if you follow the simple requirements of agricultural technology, you can get a high economic effect. Flax takes a leading place due to its biological characteristics, high profitability. To increase the competitiveness of products from flax, it is necessary to increase the volumes of its production, reduce costs and increase yield. For all its unpretentiousness, flax has its own specific requirements for the care and cultivation of culture. The authors of the article highlighted the main problems in the development of the flax market in Kazakhstan, and also made recommendations on the development of this Kazakhstan market.

About the Authors

G. Sh. Kaliakparova
Kainar Academy

Ye. Ye. Gridneva
Kainar Academy


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For citations:

Kaliakparova G.Sh., Gridneva Ye.Ye. Flax as a global raw material resource of Kazakhstan. Bulletin of "Turan" University. 2019;(1):74-78. (In Russ.)

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ISSN 1562-2959 (Print)
ISSN 2959-1236 (Online)