
Bulletin of "Turan" University

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Financial market of Kazakhstan: formation, problems and prospects of development


The article deals with the essence, problems and prospects of the current state and development of the financial market of the Republic of Kazakhstan, shows the problems of the functioning of the market, as well as the main ways of its recovery, successful development. The questions of factor approach to the analysis, assessment of maturity and efficiency of development of this market in the context of its impact on the overall, global reproduction process in the country at its macro-and meso level of functioning, socio-economic impact and efficiency are considered. The entry of Kazakhstan into the Eurasian Economic Union created the prerequisites for the further development of a common, unified financial market. The liberalization of the financial services market and the subsequent intensification of competition in this market should lead to an increase in the quality and expansion of the range of services provided. Currently, the financial market of Kazakhstan, despite the difficult external economic situation, inadequate internal specifics and development structure, is gradually stabilizing, gaining strength and desired impact, especially in line with the common economic space - the Eurasian Economic Union (Armenia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia). Hence, the primary task, the prerequisite of its successful activity should be the achievement of sustainable economic growth in the country, the intensification of the process of transformation of temporarily free funds of organizations and the population into direct and indirect investments.

About the Authors

T. V. Fursova
Moscow University of Finance and Law, Corresponding Member of the International Academy of Informatization

V. D. Zabolotnikova
Turan University


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2. Маховикова Г.А., Селишчев А.С. Рынок ценных бумаг. - М.: Юрайт, 2013. - 432 с.

3. Маргацкая Г.С. Финансовое посредничество. Ч. 1. Рынок ценных бумаг: учеб. пособие / Г.С. Маргацкая, Р.В. Маргацкий. - Алматы: Университет «Туран», 2012. - 248 с.

4. Информационный портал:

5. Официальный сайт Нацбанка РК:

6. Официальный сайт Казахстанской фондовой биржи:


For citations:

Fursova T.V., Zabolotnikova V.D. Financial market of Kazakhstan: formation, problems and prospects of development. Bulletin of "Turan" University. 2019;(1):83-86. (In Russ.)

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ISSN 1562-2959 (Print)
ISSN 2959-1236 (Online)